Thursday, February 16, 2006

Important Spanish Words

El helar
Look 'em up ;)

Oh btw I got a fish. His name is the Dread Pirate Bubbles. Today he got a surname- Bubbles the Stupid :D
G2g tell ya more laterz, byes
lotsa school!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Color Quiz

Okie, since I broke my quiz-freeness, I decided to take this other quiz I cam across while researching my speech (on color) I gave last Friday...
My Existing Situation:
Exercises initiative in overcoming obstacles and difficulties. Either holds, or wishes to achieve, a position of authority in which control can be exerted over events.

--Wow... this is true so far...

My Stress Source:
Wishes to be independent, unhampered, and free from any limitation or restriction, other than those which she imposes of herself or by her own choice and decision.
--Yep, right again...

My restrained characteristics:
Has high emotional demands and is willing to involve herself in a close relationship, but not with any great depth of feeling.
--Ok, snipped off the last part of that one. Not sure about this one... I have been tending to get close to a lot of my friends lately...I'm so emotionally confused...

My desired objective:
Over-imaginative and given to fantasy or day-dreaming. Longs for interesting and exciting things to happen and wants to be admired for her charm.
--Ok, ok, I admit it...

My actual problem:
Feels restricted and prevented from progressing; seeking a solution which will remove these limitations.
--YES!!! That's exactly right.

So anyways... that's the latest quiz I took. Well, the second since I broke my quiz-freeness. I've been having really wierd dreams lately... not that surprising... one of them came true, in a way... unfortunately, it was a nightmare...
anyways gotta go to bed now!
see ya laterz, thankles for reading... luv ya!

Sunday, February 05, 2006


My quiz-freeness has been broken. Oh well. At least it lasted a month. And it wasn't quizilla. I just couldn't stand not taking this one... since I've this creepy thought lingering in my mind for awhile.. that I would die before my 16th birthday...

You scored as Bomb. Your death will be by bombing. You will probably be an innocent bystander, not doing anything wrong and not a person who was targeted at, just in the wrong place at the wrong time.























Natural Causes


Cut Throat


How Will You Die??
created with
Not having a good... weekend. Yesterday, the middle part, with Katie, was wonderful. She made me feel so much better. But directly before and after that, terrible. I'd rather not blog about it.
All I can say is I expect my 16th birthday to be the worst birthday I've ever had... if in no other way, at least emotionally... I remember I cried on my.. 15th birthday, I think it was... and I just can't imagine this birthday will be any better.
If there was any time I needed prayer, it would be now. Now more than ever before.
My birthday is 4 days away... why does it have to be this way? I know God's plan is better than mine... and I know He uses trials to help me grow closer to Him... this one is more intense than anything I've ever been through before...
Sorry this is such a depressing post. Maybe I'll feel better in a few weeks...maybe...hopefully...
Optimism seems so far away...never thought I'd say or think that...
Thankles for reading.
just bethany

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Right now, I feel like dirt. Yep.
Dirt- not smart, unsophisticated, not liked by too many, maybe by a few crazy ones :P
I like to sit in the dirt. I don't like to feel like dirt.
I know it might not be true about me, but that's what I feel like...
But oh well...
I'm making cookies. I went to Physics today. We had a really fun lab. I should be happy.
Why am I not happy? The answer may never be known...
cookies. Yep. yum.
I have such a wonderfully good time ahead, why do I have to have these emotions inside of me?
I know. It was... THE DIRT MONSTER. Yep.
I really should get school done... but like dirt, I don't feel like doing anything. So I'm going to waste my time like a stupid little dirt monkey. Wait... I can't do that. I really want to go to Ridglea tomorrow...and I only have math, and research William Tyndale, basically. Plus 20 pages left in this book... it's a William Tyndale biography. He is so awesome. I have decided he's my favorite of the reformers. You should read about him some time... he's really awesome.
This post seems to be between serious, random, and crazy... guess that means it's a sweet and sticky post. :P
I need to get over this so I can get something done!
Oh yah... today Physics was confusing. People were just throwing out answers and Mrs. Meier wasn't writing out stuff on the board. My notes are what save me from the utter disaster of homework... so hopefully it will go alright... but I have my fears...maybe I can figure it out, was quite frustrating...
But I guess that's just because I'm the confused little goose that I am... gotta be confused about something...
I better go get something done, hope your day is going great, thankles for reading!
Love ya lots..
Who is over the cold that wouldn't die! Just in time for her birthday! Well, unless it comes back. Which it better not.