Sunday, March 26, 2006

My Speech...

If you want to read it is! I'd love to hear your thoughts :) I gave this speech last Friday :) A lot of verses, I know, but what can I say? It's spiritual evidence for a spiritual topic :P

"By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
The official death toll for Hurricane Katrina is stated to be over 1300. The number of deaths of the Tsunami is even higher- as high as 295000 people. Some Christians are attributing these disasters to God’s judgment- such as, and one of my Bible Study Fellowship leaders. After all, there were some wicked people living in these cities. But with such high numbers, don’t you think there were *some* righteous people?
This reminds me of Genesis, when God warned Abraham that He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham pleaded for the wicked cities, asking that if only 10 people in that doomed area were found to be righteous, that God would spare the cities. God agreed, but when there were not even 10 righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah, He judged Sodom and Gomorrah.
Rather than judge these people, why not display Christ’s love to them, and help them get through this difficult time? Why should we say, “Well, if something bad happened here, all the people there must have been horrible sinners.” When in reality, we’ve all been just like them? For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
The truth is, God does not want the world to die. 1 Timothy 2:3-4 says, “This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” We should be careful when attributing natural disasters and other recent events to God’s judgment. When a natural disaster happens- we can ask ourselves, has God warned? –or what good come out of this?
As I read up on why Christians attribute the Tsunami or Hurricane Katrina to God’s judgment, I came across something rather interesting. India was one of the countries affected by the Asian Tsunami, and Christians tried to say that it was because there were so many Hindus that God supposedly sent His wrath against India. But a column on a widely-read Indian news site,, suggested that the Tsunami was an avengement against Christians, for having their missionaries in India. So the Hindus are blaming the Christians, the Christians are blaming the Hindus. Is there not something a little troubling about this? There obviously were righteous people in India, if there were Christian missionaries, and if it was God’s judgment, He would spare the city if it had only 10 righteous people.
New Orleans is a city known for its wickedness. From Satan worship to voodoo, this city is *full* of wickedness. But isn’t every other American city wicked too? There are no degrees of sin with God- sin is sin. If God was punishing the wicked, why didn’t he throw the waters at the whole United States? I loved what a man named Joe Scarborough said, “I think the part of this New Orleans story that bothered me the most was the fact that you had young, 12-, 13-, 14-month-old babies dying of dehydration on city sidewalks in New Orleans. I don't know about you. I mean, the God that I worship is not a Santa Claus, but the God that I worship does not kill 14-month-old babies in such a heinous way to punish Florida residents that go over and have too much fun on Bourbon Street.” Innocent people suffer too, and some die because of natural disasters.

Remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah? God didn’t just decide, “Ok I’m going to wipe out this city and not tell anyone.” He told Abraham what He was going to do. This is how it was with every judgment in the Bible. God always warned beforehand through prophets, dreams, and messengers. God sent Jonah to warn Nineveh of judgment. We read this in Jonah 3:2-3, “"Arise, go to Nineveh the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which I am going to tell you.” And if the Asian Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina *were* judgments from God, wouldn’t He specifically warn of it first?

Even if the people of Asia and New Orleans were wicked people, God could still take their actions, which they meant for evil, and use them for good. He could use missionaries to show them His word, and change the wicked people. From Romans 8:28, we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to {His} purpose. Does this mean He doesn’t punish the wicked for their actions? No, but He has set another place and time for that, in the end times at Judgment Day.
And just because He allows bad things to happen doesn’t mean that He is judging someone or someplace. He can use natural disasters for good as well. After all, Romans 8:28 didn’t say God causes all things *except natural disasters* to work together for the good of those who love God, it said ALL things. Sometimes God uses tragedy to teach people to rely on Him.
Finally, this is not to say that God does not judge. John 12:31 tells us that, “"Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.” Yes, God will judge the wicked, and spare the righteous. The Bible tells us that, “"The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.” God doesn’t judge us out of hatred. He judges us out of love- because He wants to redeem us.
So the next time something bad happens, and someone tries to tell you its God’s judgment, remember: God always warns before He judges, and He can make good out of the bad.
So let’s quit feuding over why things happen, and try to help people and show Christ’s love. "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

Friday, March 24, 2006

Commas are niiiiice....

Currently Watching: I Am David
Ish tired...but I haven't posted in awhile...
Just got through watching that was sad, but a good one. I recommend's about a boy who escapes from a concentration camp.
Hmm, what to post? I got a checking account...want to start a scrapbook soon...
As always, I'm confused. And I refuse to be otherwise ;)
What, did you think you could get out of reading my blog that easy? Noooooo...I wouldn't let you go thaaaat long...I just had to post to give you something to read :P
My mom made these brownies yesterday...and they were SOOOO good...they have caramel and nuts on top....mmmmmmmmmmmm......................there weren't very many left....
Next week is the last week of sad...and today we had our last day of speech...
School ends soon, the beginning of May for me...
Spring Break was awesome...
I have a cold.... again....yuck! It's not so bad during the day, but I hate waking up every morning so stuffed started last Friday...don't know how I got it...
I had a cell phone in my purse for...a whole week! Yep...I forgot to take it was actually pretty handy that way...hmm...I kind of like that...having a cell phone but not really having a cell phone...then I don't get a bunch of pointless calls from people...since it's technically not mine...
But I kind of would like a cell phone of my own, just because I'm starting to need one more often...since I am driving...
But anyways...
I'm really bored and tired...horrible combination, I end up squandering my time that way...but oh well...hopefully that won't happen tonight...
Haha... if you've never been to don't go there! RUN AWAY WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!! It's an awesome sight...but soo so so addicting...I recommend it but not if you don't have much time! :P
So um yah. What a wonderful combination of words. It should be a code or something. So um yah. It's initials spell...SUY...hmm...sounds like a chinese dish or something... soo-ee... hummmm....
I do rather like pinto beans.
But if you get anything from this post...if there is any value to it, which I somewhat doubt..haha...there rarely is much substance :P but..if there would I am David! But beware of the sorrow!
The Village is a rather intriguing movie as well...
That's all, for now, folks,
Who, likes using, commas. MUAHAHA,HAHA BEWARE THE, COMMA COMMENTER, OF DOOM!!!!,!!!!

Monday, March 13, 2006


YAY FOR SPRING BREAK!!! Even though it hasn't -unofficially-started yet. It has officially, but not unnoficially started. What does this mean? eh...ahem... yah. Oh no, of course I finished all my school work. Heh. Just kidding. I still have about 3 essays and a final draft on my speech to write, plus Spanish, Donkey Hote-eh (eh, I mean Don Quixote, of course) and correct and return on math. Why I did this to myself, I don't really know.
And...I got a myspace link! Wooo!!! My username thingy is crazygoose911 and so that makes my link: :D Check it out if you dare. But beware. Because I might try to make up stupid little rhymes like I'm doing now.
Today, is probably going to be the worst day of my spring break. For even though today is totally and completely free, and normally I would spend this day relaxing, chilling, maybe drinking hot cocoa...and going outside, it's so so so SOO SOO PRETTY OUTSIDE!!! I wish I could enjoy it!
I never finished that sentence, did I? It shall live to be an insanely long sentence fragment. YAY FOR DESTROYING ALL PRINCIPLES OF GRAMMER!!! Wait, I don't usually like that... oh well. Party on the house! Not sure what that means so let's everyone go jump on our rooftops and go crazy and then find that we fall through the roof and land in Aunt Julie's lap onto her nachos... eh...
Ok, I haven't even had that much sugar. Honest.
But anyways... yah, to pick up where I left off on that ILSF (insanely long sentence fragment) .. for even though today is totally and completely free, yadayadayada, I have to finish school, clean my room, send some stuff in the mail, and oh yah that's it.
Well, I might spend a half hour or so enjoying the weather... IT'S SO PRETTY OUTSIDE!!! Swaying trees, lovely breeze, tweetering birds, wind chime chiming... I WILL MEET YOU SOON!!!!
I want to go to the park! Why can't everyone just drop what they're doing and go to the park?
Okie, anyways. Hope your day is filled with the world of the outside. (Notice the acronym: WOO)
Okie, I'm not the least bit hyper. Really. I didn't have any grape juice this morning. Well, except for one glass and one sip.
Anyways, ttyl............................................
~Miss Goosey~
Who has hereby updated her readers on what she's been up to. Duh.

Friday, March 03, 2006


This was my first MySpace post... I can't seem to find a link to mi Myspace....hmmmmm
OH!! In other news, I finished all my schoolwork this week for ONCE!!! I don't have to catch up on the weekend! Though I will be trying to get ahead.. it's always sumthin...

I got MySpace. Yep. I'm officially internet-addicted. Mmmm hmmm...
Well not that I'm addicted. But the internet is awesome.
I also got MSN today... I guess I was just bored...
Check it out- isn't it awesome?
Hmmmm what do y'all think? MySpace? Your Space? My MSN? Your MSN? My randomness? Your randomness?
And just to let you know, I have no idea what all the questions are about or mean.
I am not responsible for them! Oh wait, I am... no wait, that was the little voice inside my head that likes to confuse me...
Oh, today, I discovered something. In Speech. Hitler lives inside my head. Yep. See, there was a question, I think this was it: "What 2 qualities are central to ethical behavior?" And mom said it started with D... so I said "Demise!" haha... it was incorrect.. too bad :P
The 'correct' answer was dignity. But Hitler told me it was demise.
So anyways...ttyl....

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Because I haven't posted since February! For like 2 weeks!
But ya'll probably know everything about me and everything that's happened in the past two weeks, so I don't need to post.. riiight... ?
Haha, I'm jk.. I will give y'all some sugars. Unfortunately it is not in my power to pass them through the wires and circuits and out into your computer. Sorry. Don't want to ruin your computer, anyways...
But here's what I've been up to...
Confusion! So so so so so so confused! To go to prom, or not to go to prom. THAT is the question. For awhile I felt like God might be saying no, but I wasn't sure. So I decided to wait and see how things worked out. And now, I don't know what to think. So tell me, if you live in DFW, ARE YOU GOING TO PROM??? I'm so confused...
It's really not about who's going.. more about who I go with, as in the set up of the group... going with a bunch of guys, I'd probably feel more comfortable, to tell the truth. Then A) I wouldn't feel like I had a date, I would really just be going with a group, and B) I might possibly be able to dance with only guys I know, if enough guys I know went... I don't know that I'd really like dancing with some random guy all that well...hmmph... o.0 0.0 0.o
My head is spinning, I just don't know what to think!
To be at the prom, or not to be at the prom, that is the question...
The thing is, a lot of the guys I know wouldn't even THINK about going to prom. And a lot of the girls I know who would aren't old enough yet- next year they will, I think...
Life is crazy, and very confusing. What am I to do?
Pray, pray, pray.
So anyways.. that is my dilemma...
I was going to go to a concert this Saturday, but decided against it. Not very many people are going. That was pretty pointless info, but hey! Who cares... I'm a pointless person..
Not purposeless. Pointless.
Or have you seen a point somewhere on me? As far as I know, the human body is made up completely of curves.. unless I have pointed finger nails. Which I don't.
I guess my nose is a point...
BUT ANYWAYS I got a little off track...
Oh! Today, Mike was practicing for a spelling test. He was spelling aloud, and I was picking up some of the letters and thinking, "What in the world? What could that spell?"
It went like this..
and I was going over it in my head... trying to figure out, when suddenly I burst out and said "CAPPUCCINO!!!!!" It was funny.. I sounded kind of Hispanic, like I was rooting for some soccer team...
C E squared F squared O=E squared STW
Yep. Best math equation ever. Well, besides:
A C squared EHL O squared T= A E cubed MNO S cubed W
But anyways...I'd better go! Sugars! Hope you're having a great week. Thankles for reading!
"Every tongue in heaven and earth, shall declare Your glory! Every knee shall bow at Your throne, in worship! You will be exalted, O God, and Your kingdom shall not pass away, O Ancient of Days!"
PS OH!!! I'm helping lead worship next week at Ridglea! I'm kinda excited...didn't know until yesterday that I was... we're singing that song ^ Ancient of Days, You are My King, Beautiful One, and Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The really real Jesus loves me. :D
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so!