Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'm baaaack...

Yay! I'm back again! So here's more stuff for you to read! Doesn't that make you ever so happy....
Well.. my birthday.. issssssssssssssssssss next Thursday! So so so excited!!! So busy! So much to do!
In the next 2 weeks or so I'm going to...
Go to Ridglea Youth Night. Hopefully.
Have a sweet 16 bash with Katie, including shopping, coffee, lunch, highlights+cut, movie, and ice cream.
Get my driver's license
Pick up my painting from the stockshow
Maybe take in applications
Have a test for my yellow belt in karate
Confidential birthday party
Possibly go to a concert. Maybe not though.
Umm... and more stuff. That's my life. Stuff. Busy stuff.
Life is made of stuff...
Yep. Anything else to blog about? Why am I asking you? ARE YOU DICTATING MY LIFE????
Big Banana's gonna eat you and you know it.
And I went square dancing on Saturday and it was so much fun! And Sunday I went over to a friend's house and Katie came to mine for church.
And before that... lotsa stuff. So incredibly busy.
Now, I must leave you, I'm afraid... not because I have to leave but because I have nothing more to say. This is life. Wait, life is stuff. So having nothing more to say is stuff. Yep. I'm confusing myself again...
And trenchcoats are unmistakeably awesome!
Oh I finished my Koolaid purse in sewing, I will have to post a pic soon. For now, bubbles! Remember to hug your Tigger! (wait...that's me..:P)
Luv ya, thankles for reading, have a wonderful spectaculous day! Toodles!
~Miss Goosey-Goo~
Soon to turn 16... so old... what am I gonna do...


Miss Goosey has escaped!! With 162 cookies to spare! And today is escape day, as many of you know. Or at least should know.
Wow.. a lot has happened! Since last...Friday... well today I got this awesome yellow furry squishy pillow.. which I love... umm... and more stuff that I'm going to update in a second post because I'm itching to hit the 'Publish Post' button! So I will keep talking in a minute. I just have to get this out of my system :P

Friday, January 20, 2006

Please send 7623 cookies

This is a message from Crazy Banana-Aliens Inc.
We assume that said readers of blog are here to find out about Bethany's doings. Perhaps investigators of sorts. We are amazingly happy to report to you that Bethany has been abducted by wierd banana-aliens. (not affiliated with us)
We do not respond to any emails. So do not try to contact us. It will take some time to try to find our email, anyways. If you ever want to see your affiliate again, you must send 7623 cookies to Bethany's address where we (eh, I mean those wierd banana-aliens not affiliated with us) have abducted her.
We do not respond well to negotiation, but if you really want to reobtain access to Bethany (ie if you want us to let her go) and you cannot complete said terms, than you must contact us as soon as possible in regards to the negotiation process.
As to how you may contact us, you must find that out yourself. That is, if you ever want to see your affiliate again.
If you wish to remain in a free society never trust a banana. They may impose the same doom on you as they have on your affiliate.
Also, to those who wish to know her condition, she is fine, yes, juuuuust fine. Except that the banana-aliens of doom implanted they're virus into her which she has been unable to extract even with a pill equal to 24 teaspoons of Robitussin.
That is all.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Crazy Attack Monkey!!!

For some reason, this pic came up on Google, when I typed "Crazy Attack Monkey". Will attack for pie!!!
Yesss... pie.... oh! I made a Reeses Cheesecake for Thursday night art. It was yummy. But it fell apart...
Yes, Miss Bethany is indeed back at blogging, but not back at being well. I'm a bit better, perhaps, sometimes... but then sometimes I have coughing fits. Yep. Not fun. And I still feel a bit sick... ugh... GO AWAY YOU CRAZY COLD MANIAC!!!
Yah... oh and I have a correction. I don't remember if I've made it yet. But New Years actually wasn't the first day I had this stupid cold. I've actually had it since the Wednesday before New Years. I remember, cause we were playing soccer in the cold that Wednesday.
That Nyquil sure is working on my mind, as I stated before...
Oh, and today is hat day. Preferrably a crazy one. So I am wearing my crazy hat that I made at the Ridglea lock-in. I made Meowser wear a Santa hat for a little while :D And Mike wore his Santa hat today, too. Hat day, hat day, oh joyous day of myrth and glee... yes, yes, my precious, Bethany is crazy.. and that doesn't really rhyme. Oh well.
So let's see... this is...day 19 of this cold. When will it end?!!
I guess it doesn't help that I don't get much sleep at night... oo! I just had a random thought- ICE CREAM!!! Ok, now I want some. So I'm gonna go now.
Luv y'all all, thankles for reading :) Well, if there are any peeps reading anymore.. thankles to GiggleGoose and the Amazing Cookie Man for their most beloved comments! :D
k, byes
Have a great day, and remember: Don't think and drive. Eh, I mean drink. Yep.
And please refrain from any inkling to kill peeps, and ESPECIALLY the inkling to put them in the microwave. What a most terrible and horrendous torture.
That is committed by my very own brother. To think I live in the same house with a horrible Peep killer!
Psst... don't tell, but I ate marshmallow christmas trees.
~Miss Goose~
NOT Goosey :D

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


*shudders* I had a nightmare last night.
I must've been at home, since I was on the computer. And here's the scary part... I went on Quizilla!!! AHHHH!!!! *mob screams* Hey, what're y'all doin' here, get outa here. I'm trying to tell my nice little readers about dream. You heard me, scram! Ok, anyways.. and... I think I said it was QuizYourFriends... but yah... so that was my horrible nightmare.
I was just reading some random person's blog, and I saw... QUIZ RESULTS. Yepo. Scariness. I wanted to take the quiz soo bad, but I cannot. I must withhold my resolution!
And of course I've broken the other two... "To not have sweets after 6, and certainly not after 8" well.. I broke that one last night, I had vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup after *10* but it didn't keep me awake... probably because of the Nyquil. I think I actually went to sleep at 11 something or 12... which is early, for me. But I'm still tired.
I need to take my cold medicine... so I'll ttyl. Bubbles! Have a great day, don't get sick, luv ya, thankles for reading! As always! Oh, and don't drink and drive!
Banana Day
Oh, 2 days late: Happy clean off your desk day! :D I should clean off mine, even though it's late... :P
And check this out: Lesser Known Holidays
~Miss Goosey~
...born on toothache day...what a lovely thought... :P

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Yep, that's right. I gotsa cold. Yuuuuuuuck...
And if you read my last entry, you'da known that. So this post is pretty much pointless.
Except that I still have this stupid cold... I've had it since...hmmm...*thinks* New Years. Yep. I remember I kept sniffling when the people we were babysitting for came home... I was afraid I was scaring them, making them think I was babysitting even when I was sick..actually I thought it was just sinuses then...
But it can't be sinuses. Especially not after it got much worse yesterday morning- with the exhaustion, headache, and yuck up my throat... I've been taking Nyquil and Dayquil, since..umm...*thinks* Wednesday? At least Thursday... and yesterday I took some Robitussin...today too, and we're out of that now...also took Mucinex yesterday, and that did work. But just on the yuck.
Yep, and it's working. Not on my cold, on my mind. It's deleting all possible bits of sanity that were left in my brain after that explosion. The explosion of doom. Ya know, with bananas, pickles, cookies, candy... thus causing me to obsess over those items. Yep.
I drove to the youth thingy at Ridglea on Friday. I don't think I have driven much lately. *ish experiencing deja vu* But, I did on Friday... and I had just taken a Dayquil right before we left. I mean, remembering-to-take-Dayquil-and-running-back-inside-to-do-it right before we left. Take my advice- don't do that. Boy that Dayquil sure worked. I didn't realize that was what it was at first... and I kept wondering why my focus was so off. I was soooo out of it. But we still made it safely to the church.
Oh, and I drove yesterday as well.. to.. oh yes! To the library. That was an interesting little assignment. Not the driving, what I was doing at the library. It was a grammer thingy... and we probably got there around 11 or 12. The library closes at *1:30* so that was interesting. I did get it done, though.
Planning my birthday party... I'm excited. I think we are actually going to start at a park, not sure which one. Yah, I know, the Evite said it started at Ridglea, I need to change that. It will be at Ridglea, at that time, but I think we're gonna start a little earlier at the park, and then go to Ridglea. So when we figure out which park, I will send out an email. And I'll be sending invites in the mail soon, too. Just as soon as we pick a nearby park...
And for those monitoring my Quizilla intake, I am still Quizilla-free. The urges are very intense when my brother goes on Quizilla, and he says something about it. I just want to go there- to check on something! Yah, that's right, to check on something.
Suuuuure Bethany, just to check on something.
But I have resisted temptation pretty well lately. Yayness!
Oh! I got a pertiful dress yesterday at Ross. It was awesome. First of all, I looooved it. It is sooo pretty. It fits, I love the fabric, the style, and the colors. It's such a happy dress! And second of all- IT WAS ONLY $7.50!!! And it's original price is $80.00. So I was really happy about that.
Oh yah! I finally decided on a pattern for sewing! I'm going to be making...DUN DUN DUN... a trenchcoat! The awesomeness! I can't wait! It's out of this denim material, that has colorful stripes. I think it's gonna rock. As in LIMESTONE rock. Yep.
Wow, that cold medicine is kickin' in good...
In other news, I'm going to be reading Around the world in 80 days for school. Anyone read it? How is it?
Lotsa stuff starts back up this week: Sewing and piano tomorrow, (fear the piano lessons) Bible Study on Tuesday, and art on Friday.
Oooooo...mesmerizing Coke bottles... eh, I mean, Coke stinks, drink Dr Pepper!!! Mike got this new screensaver the other day, with these bouncing coke bottles... and I like to watch it *gasp* because it follows a pattern. For some odd reason, it makes me REEEEAAALLLY happy when all of them go up at the same time. Mike thinks it's because I secretly like Coke. Which I don't, Dr Pepper rocks!!! Well, nevermind that sip of Coke that Katie gave me...other then that I've been coke free for..about..2 years? Maybe about 3. I'm pretty sure that whole thingy came up in 2003. Wait, did I say Katie gave me a sip of Coke? You never read that. And you also aren't going to read that *text snipped by user for horrific nature* :P Of course it could've been a Pepsi, and I do admit to liking Pepsi. It is, of course, inferior to Dr Pepper though.

Yah, I know, my life is boring. Oh well. Hope you're having a yummilicious day... and DON'T GET SICK. Luv y'all all, and thankles for reading! You make the world taste better! Almost as good as Dr Pepper!
~Cough Miss Sniffle Goose Sneeze~

Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Real Postie.

That's right. I'm posting. For real. It's time for a real post, with real words! Yay! Not just posting every quiz I've taken. Mainly since I haven't taken any since Friday (Yay go me!) and no posting songs in this one. I'm really going to talk. Really.
So what should I say. First of, woloo. Woloo, and happy new year, and merry christmas, and happy birthday. Boredness.
Here's an account for EVERYTHING*almost* I've done since New Years.
I've drank:
Dr Pepper
Apple Juice
Chocolate milk

I've taken a Dayquil. At least I think that's what it was- for my cold/sinus/yuckyuck
We had the Emerson's over for dinner.
I started school.
I wondered what I was worth
I needed stress relief from a mysterious banana :P
I went to karate
I had little tizzies with my mom
I ate at Arby's and McDonalds.
I went to Physics.
I coughed. A lot.
I had a squeaky voice. :D (that was today.. in Phyics..)
I just coughed.
I blogged.
I wanted to go on Quizilla sooooo bad.
I looked at prom dresses
I planned my birthday party (and am planning)
I sent email invites to mi birthday party. (COME)
I just coughed again.
I looked at a plastic beaker full of water
I went to Walmart.
I got an AWESOME NEW HAIRBRUSH!!! IT'S SO COOL!!!! *resumes composturization*
I talked. To people. Over the internet.
I went on my message board.
I did many various other things that you do not wish to read.

Ok, now that I've given you all the info you need to plan world domination, have at it, buddy! Have a good time! Good luck!
~Miss Goosey~
the very bored...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


so bored..
not going to church tonight...
must resist...
Yep. I'm bored. I should be writing a paper, learning Spanish, or enduring History, but... I don't wanna. I will... soon...
anyways, talk to ya laterz. Thankles for reading mi blog! Luv y'all all lots and lots, and remember, FEBRUARY 11TH IS AN IMPORTANT DATE :D Not because it's my birthday. Because it's not my birthday. February 9th is my birthday.
~Miss Goosey~
The random, who is having a hard time with those stupid quizilla urges...
Oooo! Oooo! Reply! To be or not to be, that is the question! Really random!

Sunday, January 01, 2006


I feel like a crazy lunatic. Tell me honestly... am I a crazy lunatic? Or is this just the result of 2 hours of sleep over New Years? Or, maybe it's both.. hmmm... or maybe it's the result of my being 99.9% crazy and .1% banana...
I had a great time last night... but I'm sooo tired... yah... I like celebrating new years. It's fun. It's so wierd, going from one year to the next in about a minute... haha, last night, Katie and I did our toast with apple juice :D but yah.. for those who don't know, we were babysitting last night. I taught karate lessons :D We watched a bunch of movies.. had ice cream and cookies (YAYAYAYAYAY) umm.. apple juice, orange juice... stuffses... so yah. That was my new years.
Oh, lately I've been thinking about the homeschool prom coming up in April.. I'm going with a group, Katie and I are getting together...
New Years Sweets for ya (my new tradition!)
From 2005, I'm thankful for...
Emmanuel. The idea of Emmanuel has been on my mind lately- God with us- you can see Him working through every situation... and He's always there, no matter what happens...
My wonderful friends. I am so thankful for you, my friends, what a blessing! I don't know what I'd do without you! It's like I was thinking a week or two ago: I'm thankful for the blessing and the Blesser. :)
Time. As much as I hate time, and I want to ban it, I am sooo thankful that there has been enough time this year to keep up (relatively) with my schoolwork, activities, homework, practice.. everything.. social life :P I know I can do all things through Him who gives me strength!
Random mind. I am thankful for my random mind. There are times when I feel like the world is crashing in on me, and somehow God always brings some thought to my mind that makes me smile. Blessed are they who laugh at themselves, for they will never cease to be amused.
My painting class! Even when the world is falling around me, even when I am confused and can't make sense of this world, I can go to painting class, forget it all, or let it all out, it's a really nice refresher.
University Park church and Ridglea Baptist church. I think they have been a great influence in my life, going to church more than once a week helps me to remember where my focus should be. Also BSF. I am thankful to have somewhere I can go and be spiritually edified.
The Holy Spirit. I think the Holy Spirit has taught me a lot this year... I know the Holy Spirit has worked a lot in me. Sometimes I think I forget that that's what the trials are for- for without pain, how can one's heart be changed? I think the Holy Spirit has worked a lot on my patience this year, and I'm sure I have many new trials ahead to face in this new year.
I'm not sure how to put this one into words, but, I'm thankful I'm free. Free from having to believe any certain doctrine. Free from judgmentalism, free from legalism. It's really nice to not have all that in my life. I don't mind if someone believes differently from me, that's how the Holy Spirit is leading them. So I guess I'm just thankful I'm free.
Firefox!! Gotta include Firefox. It's such a time saver, so cool! I love it!
That's a wrap on this year's edition of New Years Sweets for ya! :)
Anyways... tired...so I guess I better go before the Quizilla urges come on again...
Byes, thankles for reading, luv y'all all!
~Miss Goosey~
..the tired...