Friday, August 26, 2005

What a lovely evein'

Bethany word of the Entry: Evein'
Definition: Evening
Bethany word of the Entry(2): Pzio
Definition: Pizza
Bethany word of the Entry(3): Breakfrest
Definition: Breakfast

*smiles* ah...I've had a goood night... fun stuff.. got to see Cara, got called Muddy Goose, played fetch (eh, I mean catch:D) with Kennedy... it's all good :P AND I used the wrong stick when I played pool. :D Lessee.. we watched 'The Pacifier' which is an awesome movie... love it... it combines to of my favorite things (well, three now) little kids, fighting crime/army-type-ness, and now babysitting :D Not to mention I love the movie 'Sound of Music' heehee... :D And.. ummmmm.... we ate pzio! :D And I played FoosPong, fun... and.. played air hockey against myself... lots and lots of stuff :D it was great. AND I HAD DR PEPPER!!! ;D YUM STUFF! DP ROCKS!!! Not to mention I got my camp pic!! :D Very happy about I have a pic of everyone together who went to camp... :D happy stuff!
Ok, other stuff. Surprise-type-bday tomorrow, at 6... and.. umm... nothing else.. maybe I should do something, lol. I have been trying to get up the past couple of days, and I was doing so good up until Thursday. I had gotten up BEFORE 9:15 every morning until Thursday. And Wednesday I woke up at 7! The goodness! But today and yesterday I woke up at 10 and 11... ugh... I can't believe this! Well, actually again... we're talking about Miss Bethany here... ;) but Katie and I came up with the reason! Mostly Katie, but still. It's because I don't have anything I need to do in the morning! Nothing to go do! So I have a plan! (didn't work this morning, but you know... there's always tomorrow:P) Well... Meowser is always waking mom up... to go get him canned kitty food... at around 7 I'd say, which is my ideal-get-up-time (if I'm lucky:P) So I am going to wake up tomorrow morning, turn my alarms off (yes I have 3 alarms and I still don't get up;) and give him canned kitty food. That is going to be my *reason* for getting up :D
Anyhoo! Enough from me! I'm just wasting your time, I know... talk talk talk and no action! lol! OK so maybe I was talking about action... that already happened.. ok now I'm confusing myself. :P I better stop. ;) Go to bed! Wake up! Play fetch! << *Texas Talk* >> Get'erdone!<< /Texas Talk/ >> Have fun with it! Keep your sunny side up! :D Luv y'all all... thanks for reading me. Pray me. :D (it's a Katie-Bethany thing, meaning pray for me...:P) I'll pray you too. :D Hey would anyone.. be interested in.. hmm.. just a random thought, but.. I was wondering if anyone might like to start an online prayer group.. email me, or leave a comment... :) I think we could do it as an email group, I could set up one... anyhoo if you might be interested... that would be cooool... :) Just a prayer-buddy system, since everyone needs prayer :) And if you aren't interested in doing something like that, but would like me to pray about something... just email me :) I am here! :D I can pray! ;)
Anyhoo I'll let you go now... ttyl.. have a great evening/day/morning/lunch/dinner/breakfrest/midnight snack! :D lol.. k well I'll see ya ;)

~Kitty Cat Goose~
Who chose her signature because she played fetch :P But not like a dog. Like a cat. :D (I didst hear it! :D) << is mostly just talking to Agent Delta

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Stupid McDonalds.

Bethany-Word of the Entry: Coo
Definition: Cool

Me like salt. McDonalds no salt fries as much anymore. Mickey D's baaaaaad... Mikey D's almost makes me have to use KETCHUP on my fries. What an abomination.
Ok, so.. went to babysit today.. that was soooo much fun. O-Mi-Gosh, Agent Delta, you will be so delighted when you hear what Junorima and the kids did with the teddy bears. Good thing it wasn't her idea.
This is going to be a quick entry for now, since I have so many stories and for some reason am feeling like I have very little time. Even though I have nothing to do for the next.. oh.. 45 minutes... and I am free... well here's what's up:
I am going to church with Katie tonight! Woohoo! It's gonna be fun! So.. well.. that means I will be offline the next... 3 nights, since Thursday is painting and Friday is the youth hangout at Daniel's church. I have somethin Saturday too, I think. It's a surprise. :P (not for me, for someone else;) Now I highly doubt that it would get back to this person through the blog, since.. well.. I don't think they/anyone they really know reads the blog, or maybe they don't even KNOW about it, but still, best to be safe about it ;) I'll tell ya later. And.. umm.. so... tomorrow I don't have too much stuff.. just art tomorrow night. Then Friday is programming and the youth thingy.
I made a confused mistake today... gosh am I stupid ;) :P well.. I downloaded this GoogleIM thingy... and... I was just trying to add a buddy for goodness sakes! Why don't they tell you that they put everyone in your address book into your buddylist anyways? lol.. so I sent a couple peoples invites... you know who you are :P So that's Bethany's stupidity of the day. :P Poor confused little goose...
Ok, I'm gonna go, then come back and then edit. lol. With the next.. oh.. 30 minutes. It will relieve my stress. lol. The only thing I have to do other then this is eat for goodness sakes! Well, that and just make sure I have everything for tonight. But it will make me feel better. ;) Not feel better as in I'm sad, I just feel like I have a lot to do and I don't... ok I'm going to go now so I'll have more time to come back. :D lol.. well I'll ttyl...luv y'all all! Sorry I won't get to talk for awhile :) Maybe I'll be able to tonight, depends on when church ends.. anyhoo.. byes!

~Confused Goose~

>>>eti 5:11
See I told you so. Don't have much time though, til about 5:30, so...
Well, let's see. I told you about my upcoming stuff so now maybe I can tell you about today. Well, went to babysit of course- woke up at *7* aren't you proud of me? ;D And.. well.. that went great. The kids were good, soo cute, and showed me everything, we had a lot of fun. When I left the little girl said she didn't want me to leave.. heehee.. she didn't quite understand it ;) They had breakfast.. and we ate some kiwi.. and we jumped on the trampoline n' stuff :) So that was that I guess.. gosh I'm really.. nervous or something.. like I have to get going but I don't! Maybe I'll blog later. Well I'll tell you more about everything tomorrow. :) TTYL, and I wuv you vewy vewy muchestheses! :D Hope you have a GREAT evening tonight, filled with delight and fun and happiness and nice little bunnies and kitties and rainbows. :D Grace and Peace. ;)

~Edgy Goose~
Who doesn't feel.. quite well..

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


HAPPY!! Ok, enough of that. I'm happy... I can see now.. got my contacts today. :) :D It's sooooooooooooo much clearer... and.. let's see.. what else is going on... well we went out to lunch w/ the Hines's.. and Connie... and... ummm.. don't guess we're going to laser tag..... and tomorrow is my first babysitting job! WOOHOO!!! So, pray for me peoples... don't know how that's gonna go! Hopefully well though! It's two kids, a boy and a girl, 1st & pre-k... so that should keep me busy :D Really lookin' forward to that... the first time I've spent any great amount of time with little kids in quite awhile.. and yesterday we had our first piano lesson for the fall.. which went ok, except I couldn't see and she kept wanting me to play pieces, and some of them it was sight-reading, so I reeeeeeaaaaally couldn't do it. I don't think I made a very good impression on her, I feel like she maybe doesn't think I can play as well as I can/could... but hey, I've always got next week... I think she has this impression that I'm pretty slow learning, but with piano, if I get into the piece then I can't stand going hands apart for more then a day or so. Maybe more, if it's a hard piece, but generally under a week unless I have to. Anyways. That's piano... really wish it coulda started next week as opposed to this week! I couldn't even hardly remember my last big-favorite piece! (called Barnyard Blues) But maybe she'll let me try again next week. I dunno. Whatever. ;)
Well I better get going, mom wants me to go with her to get a rotisseree (sp?) chicken with her, so until we meet again.. happy trails! :) I'll ttyl, luv y'all all! <3 I'll edit later perhaps ;)

*sings* I can see clearly now the blur is gone... I can see all obstacles in my way... :D

~Happy-blur-free-goose~ :D

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Bad Weekend Syndrome

That's what I got, lol.. ugh! it just never ends!! one thing after another!! Well anyways.. I don't want to go complaining about everything and put that on your shoulders... so I won't :)
Ok, so I went to my cousin's bday party- which was awesome, btw. It was so cool to see Alyssa and Tiffany! They are quite fun people! :D And.. umm... so after that we went to the art contest thingy... didn't win anything, but I did get dinner mints... yum stuff... and... I also got a sugar cookie and some really good punch... ok since I mentioned everything else I may as well mention the chocolate oatmeal cookie thingy, that was good too. ;) And... umm... well we're not having church tonight, so I will most likely bore myself to death playing solitaire. o.0 and... umm... ugh... bad stuff-get it outa my head!!! HELP ME!!! ok.. bad spazzicy attack... my mind is attacking me, heehee... I want to be happy though! I really do! lol... and... so... anyhoo... tomorrow a lady whom I may be babysitting for soon will be coming over with her kids, so I can meet them... and I'll go to my second sewing class... mom got me my own scissors! :D Anyways... umm... well I'll ttyl for now... luv y'all all. <3

~Miss Goose~
Who most likely won't be posting that often once school starts :P

Saturday, August 20, 2005

My song

Bethany word of the entry: Thateroonillama
Definition: That

Bethany started to write a song! LOL!! YAY!!! It's called '747' Here's the lyrics:
there was a...
Chorus:Seven forty seven in my backyard,
I tried to move it but it was too hard!
It crashed back there when I wasn't lookin'..
An' now I think it's a' gonna start cookin'..
Seven forty seven on my back porch,
I tried to move it but it was too scorched!
It crashed back there when I wasn't lookin'..
An' now I think it's a' gonna start cookin'..up the town :D

I done saw it flyin' in the blue,
I had no idea it would sink so soon
Yes it crashed like the Titanic ship
It flew like an eagle and fell... like a paperclip
it was a..

Now I was just a' mowin' away...
When I done saw it was in my way
I couldn't mow my lawn no more,
But my lawn probably burned... to the inner core
because a..

That's what Bethany has so far on her redneck song :P She was... frustrated this evening, but she's over that now. She ate the rest of her cheesecake. Cheesecake goooooooooooooooooood. Cheesecake make Bethany haaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy... yeeeeesss... very happy. And hyper. She make redneck songs about crashing planes. :P Just don't ask her to sing them/it...;)
Bethany helped Meowser (her owner, besides me:P) make a blog. Here it is: :) Let's see, what can I say about Bethany... well she entered an art contest yesterday (she's gonna find out about that tomorrow) and... she hopes to soon get her new contacts... and tomorrow she's going to her cousin's birthday party.. and..and..ummm... I've started her on this new schedule thing, but she's not following it very well ;) I'm just trying to prepare her fot the school year though!!! :D Ummm... what else... oh, oh yes, she would like to tell a story (this happened yesterday, on the way to Arlington)
"Geek Spud"
Well my mom, brother and I were on our way over to Arlington yesterday, when Mike spotted a 'Geek Squad' slug bug. He said 'Ooo! I want one of those' or something of the like, and said it was a Geek Squad car. Now, I haven't been able to see for over two weeks (been out of my contacts) and my vision is literally 20/400... so I couldn't SEE the writing on the side of the car... and I guess I couldn't hear well, either, I suppose, because he kept saying 'Geek Squad' and I couldn't figure out what the last word was. I thought he kept saying 'Geek Spud' lol.. like the potato... and I was thinking "Now Bethany that can't be right.. I mean who would go around in a car that said 'Geek Spud' on the side of it.. it just has no purpose!" So I kept asking him if he was saying 'Geek Spud' and he kept saying yes, and finally I either saw the car or heard him right and figured out what he was saying... lol... anyhoo.. that's my story of the day :D
And.. umm.. she has a movie she's going to watch tonight, so if she's not here it's probably cuz' she's watching it. I won't be here either, as I will most likely get off the computer as soon as I'm done with this blog entry. She's been having this kooky wierd scarededness of night..she thinks there's peoples in the house or something. I say she's crazy and delusional.. because she is ;) "There's nobody outside your window or in our room or anything, go back to sleep silly." I mean how can someone get into our room when the door and windows are closed. o.0 Anyways... well I better go now I'll ttyl! Laterz


Thursday, August 18, 2005

isn't the kitty cat cute? :D if you can't see him check here:

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Today.. I don't feel well.. and I can't find my Ibuprofen! Not good! But anyways.. uummm... what's new...? I need to work on TFT! Sorry about that! It's going to be kinda late this month ;) weelll... I... ummm.. have no words to say this morning..anyhoo.. IM me peoples! I miss talking to y'all! Well, today.. I'm having fried rice for breakfast ;) and.. umm.. don't have anything to do today.. so maybe I can do some sewing, we'll see about that.. and.. I'll get you a Bethany-word as soon as I can :P Ummm.. well.. gah! I can't think of anything to say! So I guess I'll ttyl, luv y'all all! <3 In the meantime.. I guess I could post a song that was on my heart the other day :)

~Miss Goose~

My Lord what love is this?
That paid so dearly
That I, the guilty one, may go free.

Amazing love, oh what sacrifice
The Son of God, given for me
My dept He paid, and my death He died
That I, might live.

And so, they watched Him die
Despised and rejected
But oh, the blood He shed, flowed for me.

Amazing love, oh what sacrifice
The Son of God, given for me
My dept He paid, and my death He died
That I, might live.

And now, this love of Christ
Will flow, like rivers
Come wash, your guilt away,
And live again.

Amazing love, oh what sacrifice
The Son of God, given for me
My dept He paid, and my death He died
That I, might live.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Good news!

For those who were in prayer about the whole thing with my eyes... THANK YOU!!! :D Well... so I went to the eye doctor today... and he was telling us about the options, and he said that I could do extended wear! I was so happy! I have to do the hard contacts, but still... I don't have to take them out/put them in every morning/evening! YAY!! :D I should be getting them within a week, so maybe by this weekend I'll be able to see/drive/play solitaire again! Lol... *has to squint to see the solitaire cards* Anyhoo...gah I'm bored... and this post has taken forever! Well tomorrow... I'm... not.. doing anything.. and... ummmmmm... oh! This weekend I have an art contest... fun stuff... anyhoo I'll post more laterz! Bye... luv y'all all! :) <3

~Goosey Goose~

Monday, August 15, 2005


Bethany-Word of the Entry: Awkwardities
Definition: Things that are odd
Synonym: Quirks

Well, actually they didn't JUST meet..duh :P But.. Jessica came over today! WOOHOO!!! We now have our own inside joke! It's our theme song, which goes like this: "Fly like an eagle and fall like paperclip" :D We say it like the king-lemur-dude on Madagascar... it's awesome!! We made our own secret handshake too! :D AND we have our own little dance that goes with our theme song! Aren't we the coolest girls on the block? :D AND this is a quote by me from today: "The GOOSES are coming! The GOOSES are coming! *sly voice*And the BIG goose is after yoooouuu...." :D Isn't that great? Although.. you'll have to ask me to actually say it to you, so you can actually hear how it's supposed to be said...anyhoo... yah it was totally awesome and fun today! lol! Aren't I cool, I said 'totally' and 'awesome' in the same sentence... ;)
And.. today we had our first sewing class.. it was fun! But I was such a ditz, lol... and I couldn't see, so I was going reeeeeeeeeeaaaaally slow.. but hopefully it won't be the same after I get my contacts. I have my eye appointment tomorrow... so pray for that! Tonight there's an MH chat to go to...maybe.. possibly... I'll think about it ;) Goodness... well... for the MHer's that read this... well.. ya know I'm probably not going to come to many Thursday chats... and Fridays are iffy, cuz' I have the stuff at Daniel's church and possibly soccer... and NOW I'm thinking about doing volleyball, but I can only do it if it's on Monday (well, maybe if they do it on Thursday, I don't know...) so if I do volleyball than I will most likely not come to very many MH chats... ya I know I can come late and all, but I just don't know if I can/want to ya know? Cuz' if I'm out until 10 or after, then for one thing I don't want to go to bed too late on school nights, plus mom will probably tell me I have to get ready for bed when I get home, since I usually have to go to bed "at 10" (sure, it may not always be at 10, but that's the official time;) so anyhoo.. not sure about that... would it even be worth it? << is just basically talking to herself- well anyways...that's my rambling for the day :P
Good Golly-Osher! This school year is going to be sooooo busy, I don't know how I'm going to manage it! Most likely my email, blog, IM, etc will go by the wayside, at least until the weekend... so you may not see much of me ;)..although I do plan to still keep up The Fiction Times, I think that will be good for me... well anyhoo, here's my basic schedule:

Laser Tag(every other)

I'll prolly go to church with some different friends on Wednesday night, I've had several invitations...

Youth Hang-out @ Daniel's church(every other)

Tabitha Teens (once a month)

Not to mention, I am either doing Volleyball or WACHE sports somewhere in there...and school and homework from all that stuff..and I thought there was something else..anyways...IKEROONIES! This year is so terrifying! Pray for me! :)
Well I'll let you go now! This entry is a long one... hope you didn't have anything important to do! ;) I'll ttyl, thanks for reading! Luv y'all all! <3


Sunday, August 14, 2005


Bethany-word of the Entry: Eti
Defintion: Edit

...for Meowser :D It's *DUNDUHDUN* BoogerFace!! :D "You've got a *cute* little Booger face!" *softly pinches kitty's cheeks*

Well, right now I'm taking out my aggressions on a bag of tortilla chips. Not that I have any at the moment... life is good ;) I have a banana cake in the oven.. yum stuff... the batter tastes SO good... :P I can't wait to try the cake! And.. I've come up with a compromise, for the frosting, lol.. K-man wants me to put lots of frosting on the cake.. but... I think.. I might put lots of whipped cream on top.. yah I think that will be good. With a bit of Vanilla Butter & Nut flavoring.. mmm that stuff is so good.. it tastes just like frosting! YUMMINESS!! ;) Anyhoo.. I better get back to the kitchen, I may post a bit more laterz... and change my smileys, heehee.. luv y'all all! <3 ttyl! Thanks for reading!

~Goosey in the Kitchen~

>>eti 3:39 Sunday
I'M HOME ALONE!! WOOHOO!! TIME TO GO CRAZY CRAZY HYPERHYPERHYPER!!! :D I have some cooking duties to attend to... and I have to shower and clean my room.. but the parent types and the brother type are off to go eat! They are bringing me back something... *takes a deep breath* It's so nice to be by myself!! :) Well.. what more can I tell you.. well I went to see Sky High yesterday, that was pretty good.. and.. I have a new plan, heehee. I don't rememember if I told you.. but.. I got extra fried rice yesterday for lunch.. which I am going to save and eat for breakfast this week! Aren't you proud of me? I'm going to eat breakfast! :P And.. umm... HYPER SPAZ ATTACK!!! Eeky.. I have lots to do... perhaps I should go now.. just wanted to show you how hyper I am, heehee! :D lol... anyhoo.. luv ya lots! <3


Friday, August 12, 2005

MY BREAKFAST~and~my awesome day ahead :P

Lol, guess what I had for breakfast! Here's the menu:
Chocolate Milk
Withered Grapes
And I just finished lunch... and.. I'm bored maybe I can make a new set of smileys or something ATTACK OF THE SMILEYS!! ..anyhoo, lessee... got Daniel coming over in a little bit, then tonight at 5 is Mike's karate thing, and at 7 is the thing at Daniel's church... REALLY looking forward to that one! ..and... tomorrow... bla... and.. lots more bla lol I need to call Jessica! Then I can get hyperhyperhyper! and..ummmm... hm....been doing some evil planning lately, heehee... planning school stuff so.. I guess I'll have more to talk about tonight after everything happens, so I'll see you then! Luv ya! <3


>>edit 9:24 pm Friday
"Welcome to zee Freeench Cafeh, vhat vill you be orzering toozay?"
"Um, I'll take a bowl of jello."
lol... long story.. quote by me as of tonight... wowee is there a lot to say! Perhaps I'll come back tomorrow Nah, I wouldn't do that to you, leave you hangin' like that... well... we went to the karate thing, and the guys were playing the 20 questions game computer thing, and one of them did 'jello' and it asked if you buy it... so the above quote was what I said ANYHOO!! Wow! That wasn't such a long story anyways! OH GUESS WHAT!!! I got Mike and Daniel to jump in the bounce house with me! WOOHOO!!!! Timothy was trying to make them think it was stupid... grrs! But I got them to do it. And I OF COURSE did it lol why wouldn't I? It was fun bumping my head on the top part over and over again. And... after that... we went to the thingy at Daniel's church.. that was lotsa fun! I got to see Cara and Stephanie and Angela!! WOOHOO!!!! Not to mention COUNTLESS other peoples whom went to camp with me. And of course there's Kennedy ..So... that was fun... played games... etc... and.. umm... now I'm home, of course reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaally hoping Teia or Brennick or Kennedy will come on... though I doubt at least that Kennedy will.. maybe Brennick will after 10.. hmmmm.... anyhoo y'all will prolly read this tomorrow, so IM me peoples! Thanks for reading! HI RACHEL D AND TEIA AND KENNEDY AND STEPHANIE AND GRACE AND ALLY AND ANY OTHER PEOPLE WHO READ THIS BLOG!!! If you are not on this list, it's because you haven't commented and I have no way of knowing you read this blog I still love you though. Even though I hate you. For never ever commenting. I still love you. lol j/k... Luv y'all all!<3

~Muddy Goose!~
Who got called the Muddy Goose tonight!! WOOHOO!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

It's a first!

GuesswhatguesswhatguessWHAT!!!! I ordered pizza for the first time ever!!! WOOHOO!!! Also, I've been perfecting my smilies today... and I made a new one, too, did you see the worried :-/ expression? The ? Yep I made that one today! I attribute the idea to Rachel D other news... I'm going to art tonight... and... my mom just got her wisdom tooth out and... I ORDERED MY FIRST-oh wait I already said that ..and... I'm not going to MH chat tonight, btw, peoples, art goes from about 7-10, which is, of course, the very hour of the MH chat. I'll miss y'all, an' all that stuff.. if any of y'all read this in time, say hi to peoples for me! ..and...tomorrow... is... lotsa fun stuff, and.. umm... I ORDERED MY FIRST PIZ-oh, right. Well, to you reader of this blog: HI TEIA AND GRACE AND STEPHANIE AND KENNEDY AND ALLY AND ANY OTHER READERS OF THIS BLOG THAT I MAY HAVE MISSED!!! Luv y'all all!! <3 And I better leave you to your doings now, ttyl! Oh! I have a new smiley that I am not sure about but I will add it to my smileys post in a moment! Bye'ya!

~Miss Pizza-Ordering Goose~
*sniff* She's.. growing up... my little Goosie!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Cherry Smilies!

See all my smilies that I made? I'll write an entry later, just wanted to show you all my new smilies! Luv y'all all! <3

~miss cherry goose

>>edit 9:07 Wednesday
Wow! It's hard to believe it's Wednesday...well... what can I tell you... well I now have 16 cherry smilies! And I am suffering from my 3rd bowl of Brownie Mud Pie Ice Cream, lol. ...yum stuff I've been talkin' to Teia, and I GOT TO TALK TO MY AWESOME COUSIN ALLY TODAY!! If you read this blog: HI ALLY!! And...and...and..IM me peoples if you come on! and... um...not much else... I'm going to art tomorrow morning... and Friday is a buncha stuff, including an open house thing w/ Mikes's karate place, a thing at Daniel's church... and other fun stuff...hey I'll getya a new Bethany-word soon! well... anyhoo.. that's all from my boring life, lol TTYL, peoples! gooses! nuttiernesses! Luv y'all all! <3 "Debidetedebetethat's aaaaaaaaaall, folks!"

~Miss Goosie~
PS Let me know if you think of some more smileys for me to make! *ish loves making the smileys* And I know, most of the people that read this know this... but... in case there are any web surfers... if you use any of my graphics link back here! lol...