Saturday, December 31, 2005

Guess What!!!!!

GuesswhatguesswhatguessWHAT!!!! I have resisted the urge to go on quizilla since 9:18 pm last night!!!! WHOO!!!! Maybe my new years resolution will last!
Oh, for those of you who aren't me or Kennedy and weren't hacking into mine or Kennedy's computer last night: My new New year's resolution is this: To not go on Quizilla for a month! Let's see if this lasts!!! Oh, and I'm also going to try to remember things.
Mmmmmmm egg rooooolllll... stop drop and roll! Yay!!! Oh! Oh! One time, I took a pic of me, being an 'egg-head' :D It has me with an egg on my head.. well... I was thinking, it would be cool, to take a video of an 'egg-roll'... an egg rolling off my head :P Oh, oh, oh yes, I am eating an egg roll right now... yumminess............................................................
What are y'allses doing for New Years? I'm going, at 3:45, to Katie's house, from which we will go to the babysitting job of DOOM. I'm gonna spend New Years with Katie, at somebody's house I don't know... well, indirectly, I suppose I know them... it's some relation to this guy I know....can't remember...
I'm hungry. I hope we get lunch before I go over there... Katie said we're gonna have a pizza for dindins...
Randomness, but.... grrrrsy I am mad at message board. I exited all the Firefox windows and it left me logged in! Stupid message board!!!! Someone could hack into my account or something.. haha...
Anyways! The randomness shall soon be over :) Thankles for reading! Hope your world is spinning, if it's not, I reccommend a spoonful of sugar... wait... make that 5 bags of sugar... and a can of Dr Pepper. Must have. Doctor. Pepper. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okie, byes! Love ya lots!
~Miss Goosey~
...must...resist...uuuurrrrrgggeeee.....Irkel! Oh! That's Katie's new word! Irkel! It means anything you want it to mean.... examples:
Oh, I love you sooo much.... iiiirrkel...
*giggles* like, oh my gosh, like, irkel...
*confused look* Irkel?
Maybe I'm spelling it wrong... *gasp* maybe the irkel monster of doom is coming to get me for my disrespect of the grand word irkel!! OH NO!!! I BETTER GO!!! SAVE ME FROM THE IRKEL MONSTER OF DOOM!!!!

Friday, December 30, 2005


Oh my gosh, this is SO me. Ok, so, of course, I'm quizzin' here ya go:
Your last words will be:
"What does this button do?"

What will be your last word(s) before you die?

brought to you by Quizilla

Yah... cuz I like to press random buttons and see what they do... AND I like to joke about the big red button... TOUCH IT!! TOUCH IT!!!!!!!!!
I just want to know the answer to the question, don't look at me that way! :D
Oh, just took a quiz that said I was 99.9% crazy. Wonder what the other .1% was... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
email me if you want the link to that one :)
Ok, random quizzy. Oh well.
I'm only going to take 2 more quizzies right now. THEN I'll postie.
YAY!! I'm not only yellow, but I'm yellow! I'M THE YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS!!!! WHOOOOO!!!!!
You are the Yellow Rose. The Yellow Rose stands for Joy, Friendship, Delight, and letting a person know you care. People are drawn to your bubbly personality and sparkling wit.
What Kind Of Rose Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Sweet! I love yellow roses!!! SO PERTIFUL!!!!
Ok, last quizzy...I reeeeaaaally must be addicted...okie now I'm done. Now to postie!! ! ! ! ! ! ! Ooo that's fun.. spaces, spaces, I think I'm spacing out... :P
~Miss Goosey~
What's this button do? *beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep*

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


haha, sorry, short postie but this is just great...quizzie, of course...
Congraduations you will graduate from the
university of ANTARCTICA with honors in JELLY
MAKING!!! Congrats once again your parents must
be very proud! Don't forget to rate me!!!

Which Fake Colledge Will You Go To?
brought to you by Quizilla

Anyone want to go to college in antartica with me? Free food and water at my igloo!!!
Wowsers...that really is pretty random...maybe they have cute bunnies there...wait, they'd freeze to death.. so I doubt it... welll is anyone with me? :D
~the random quizzier~

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Sorry, I'm taken.

Yep. That's right. I just took this quiz, and it told me I was married to an ant. Maybe I squished him... maybe that's why he's never around... yah...
Poor anty. Wonder what his name was.
Probably the only husband I'll ever have without knowing his name.
This is really random, and I'm officially addicted to quizzies.
OH!!!!!!! GUESS WHAT!!!! This is mostly for RachelE, but I found a coffee I like!!! YAYNESS!! COFFEE!!! SUGAR!!! CAFFEINE!! CHOCOLATE!!! HYPERNESS!!!
Yah, so I went shopping with Katie yesterday... funness... and we each got a coffee, and shared them. We got frappachinos (mmmmmmmmm) (sp?) ..I got Peppermint Mocha, and she got Java chip. I officially LOVE frappacinos... the yumminess! But I don't think I like Mocha. Too much coffeeness for me. But I reeeeeeaaaaaaaaallly liked the Java chip. Very good. With whipped cream... mmmm! They were so yummy!!!!
Anyways, the randomness, hope y'all are havin' a great week. And remember: Don't marry an ant.
~Miss Goosey~
...who's married to an ant...
PS I'm also a white bunny.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

So Good!

So Good! So Good.. I got you... I feeeeeeel ni-i-ice...
Yay for blog-readers! You make my Christmas all the merrier :D
Yah, I got that cd today.. the move it... yayness... :D It's awesome...
And I got lots and lots of other awesomeness... including a montaaage (is that a word?) of lip gloss... Dr Pepper, Ice Cream, Peppermint Patty, Popsicle.... yes, my preciious... :D
They're all in my awesome new Dr Pepper lip gloss holder!!! WHOO!!!
Have a holly jolly Christmas, it's the best time of the year...
Dashing through the chocolate, in a one goose open ice cream cone...
Away in a manger no crib for a bed...
The little boy Jesus lay down His sweet head...
May Christ's peace be your gift this Christmas and your blessing all year through!!!
YAY FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is all.
~Merry Goose~
PS Gotta have a Christmas quizzy... so here ya go...
You are Comet!

You're energy is inspiring and your one of the
best friends anyone could ask for. You're the
heart and soul of every endeavor and your
passion is admired by all. You'd never tell
anyone's secrets and you're known for you
creative ideas.

The other reindeer admire your energy and love
having you on their team. You're an asset to
the group and when it comes time to pull the
sleigh everyone knows they can count on you to
never give up.

Which of Santa's Reindeer are u?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, December 23, 2005

I wanna...

Ok, I just haaaaaaaaaaad to update. Well... as you know, (if you read the rest of this post) I was cooking. Yah. Uh oh.
Yah, tehehehe... I had a little... *adventure* in the kitchen. *shudders* Ok... first of all.. I was making hard candy... don't think I'll ever do that again, except in a controlled, safe environment :P Well, first off, scary part... well actually there were many scary parts, and one disgusting part... well... the candy was done, it was at the 'hard-crack' stage... so I turned the oven off, and mixed in the food coloring. Scariness... when I added the peppermint, I spilled a little bit, and I think it went down to the fire (like, the stove/fire, we have a gas stove) and the fire went "POOF!!!" and the oven was consumed by flames. Well, not exactly the whole oven, but the top of the stove near the stovetop I was cooking on, and the handle of the oven... scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaary....
But that's not all. I didn't get burnt then, surprisingly. Notice I used the word 'then'. My arms and hands are tingling right now, I don't think they like me typing when I have *7* burns/blisters all over them. Yah. Scary. Well here's how that happened... well, I was pouring the stuffses onto the cooking sheets... and mom showed me a new way how to do it... now keep in mind this stuff sticks, and it sticks BAAAAAAD.... so yah, I tried to pour it some more.. and I accidentally hit the spoon on the oven, or the saucepan, or on SOMETHING, and it sent the candy stuff flying everywhere, and I dropped the spoon, and a BUNCH of the stuff splattered all over my arms, and it stuck, and started hardening... veeeery hot stuff... and so mom ran over to the sink and turned on the cold water, and I rushed my arms under it.. then she got the aloe vera...and she rubbed it all over... and I had 7 blisters and burns. Here's a pic of the worst burns on my right arm(below) ...that stuff burned the hair and skin off my arms :P *shudders* it's kinda hard to see, but here it is...

Anyways, Merry Christmas. Enjoy your non-burnt arms... haha... and pray for me as I go into the kitchen again :P Yes, I still have more stuff to bake... ;)
Enjoy the rest of the post :D
~The Fire Hazard~

I wanna wish you a merry Christmas,
I wanna wish you a merry Christmas

What a marvelous person! You are the splendid
Christmas tree! You are a spirited person who
almost always in a great mood. Your smiles and
laughter are some things that people usually
look forward to in you. You are someone who is
full of energy and ready for a good time. Most
likely you are a social butterfly. All of these
characteristics make you a beautiful person
inside and out. People just really enjoy to be
around you. Merry Christmas =)

What Christmas Figure Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

*regains composure* so anyways... AHHH!!! IT'S STILL MOVING!!! It's's... stopped? *whew*
so yah. It's Christmas EVE!!! It's Saturday! All kinds of good stuffses are bound to happen! Today, here's an overview of what I am, and what I've been hearing we're going to do:
Open *1* gift, and not until tonight. Mike already opened his though (loophole!) because it was this Star Wars foosybally table, and they said he could open that one, since it has to be put together, and they wanted him to have time to put it together and play it before bedtime. But I'll open my gift tonight.... decisions, decisions... which one to open? There's... the biggest one, which is a poofy box shaped one, it's about... I'd say 8-11-2 in dimension...with a blue bow on top (gotta remember the blue shiny pretty bow factor) and... there's a little box, it feels like a jewelry box...kinda thing... dimensions: about 6-2-1...and...there's a few cds, and I think one dvd...keeheehee... I know everything about present guessing :P But I like to leave a few surprises... then there's another box, like the first, about the same size, with a red bow.... oooooo freaky... red or blue bow... but yah, I think I will do one of those. I'm hoping there's a trenchcoat in one of them :D :D :D
So anyways, what else today.... I've heard talk of watching a movie at the theater(don't know which one) going to see Christmas lights...umm...and I'm going to be baking, a LOT. I'm making peppermints, mint meltaways, russian tea cakes, and zucchini bread. I never thought I would like zucchini bread, because I don't like zucchini (or so I thought) but then I tried making it one year, for Thanksgiving... and I looooved it... great texture, and I love the cinnamon-brown sugary-almost applelike taste. So I'm going to make some of that too... mom went to the grocery store to get the stuff to make all my goodies...not too long, actually, just a few things we don't have here...I'm making about 2 dozen each.... SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUGARSUGARSUGARSUGARSUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me=love=SUGAR!!!
Yah. I'm still hyper. I couldn't hardly go to sleep last night. Went to sleep at about 12 or 1, as usual... guh... I think it was because I had a biiiig bowl of chocolate ice cream about 8 or so.... :D not that I'm going to stop ;) But I should... maybe that'll be my New Years resolution: No candy/sugar/caffeine/chocolate after dinner hour. But that'd be torture! Oh well. I like torturing myself :D
Ok, I'm going to stop babbling now. Oh! You wanted to see my pretty hat, right? Well here it is:

Also, check out this pic of Meows:

Click the pic to go to Meowser's blog, for more pics. There's some perty funny ones....
Anyways, Merry Christmas Eve! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Thankles for reading, luv y'all all, sooooooo much! :)
~Merry Goosey~
...dashing through!!! Since we don't have snow, maybe that gives us a reason to dash through chocolate!!! YAY!!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Ok, I'm reeeeeally really happy. And hyper. You can't tell, can you? Well... *breaks out in happy-hyper maniacal laughter*
I am presently hugging my Dr Pepper pillow. I love it sooo so much! I'm going to get noonononono sleep tonight... kehehe... I'm prolly going to be hugging it and petting it in the middle of the night... and then I'll go to sleep, and wake up... and see my DP pillow, and pet it some more....YAYNESS!!
But I'm going to need sleep tonight, I'm getting up at 8 tomorrow... going to art again... gooottttaaa finish this painting....
Yah, I'm not hyper. Not in the least...
Well, ya see, Katie came over, my grandparents came down, I finished my school, I went to painting, I GOT MY DR PEPPER PILLOW!!!, I had lots of candy, and cookies, I saw Nancy... and she gave us these really awesome hats...I'll post a pic next entry, but the Dr Pepper pillow takes first place. So happy. Oh, and Katie got to eat dindins with me and my family and my grandparents! YAYNESS!!!
Oh, and also, I spent the night at Jessica's on Tuesday night! FUUUUNNNEESSS!!!! It was awesome! We watched a movie, had hot cocoa, snuck cookies, (don't tell!) umm... and two really superbly awesome things. First, I found a new hobby! Ok, now get ready...
I found...
Rolling off of beds is quite the funnest thing! See, I don't have a bed I can roll off of at home. You're thinking 'You don't have a bed?' Well that's not it. I have two, infact. A bunk bed. But the bottom one is situated so if I tried to roll off of it I'd run into the wall. Then I'd get stuck between the bed and the wall, which.. well.. would take all the fun out of it. So there's always rolling off the top bunk... haha... wouldn't that
Anyways, the second thing was we made this awesome movie (at Jess's). It's the adventures of Aqua Scum and the Amazing Cookie Man! I was the 'Aqua Scum, ruler of the deep' and I was the supervillian. It was mucho funo. I wore royal blue mascara. Fun stuff. I'll have to post a pic of that soon, too, when I get it :)
So I've been having a lot of fun lately. Oh, Mike broke a board last night! I was so proud! :D
I've also been having a lot of non-fun lately, trying to get my school done and such... had some hard spiritual battles... but the fun and happiness outweights the bad stuff. So I'm good. :P
Merry Christmas y'all, may God bless :) Luv y'all all lots and lots, and thankles for reading!
~Aqua Scum

Monday, December 19, 2005



What Color Lightsaber Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, December 18, 2005


Tigger pen! Tigger pen! Tigger pen! WOO!!
Do the Tigger pen chant with me!
Tigger pen! Tigger pen! Tigger pen! WOO!!
And no, I did not use copy and paste to do that. :P
Check out my aaaaaaaaaawesome new Tigger pen! Isn't it cool? It even has my name on it! Well, if you're looking at it and your name is Roo/Katie, anyways. SEEEEEE??? Wait, you can't, I couldn't get a good pic of it... well it says Tigger in really pretty letters...
so yah...
Today, was, a very up-and-downy-ish day. Thanks to Kennedy it wasn't just a downy-ish day :P but I still had my yah...pray for me, yous guys :)
I heard a song today, the main part of it is "And God said 'Let there be light'". I think it must've been the Holy Spirit... God always knows just how to put a little bit of light in your day. And I think today He did that through Kennedy, and I am so grateful. So that's my heartfelt thanks :)
I had a headache earlier, it went away too... ah, it's so good to see God working...
"Aslan is on the move" :P isn't that the truth...
Wow, this post started out really crazy and random, but I just had to show my serious side, just a leeeeeetle bit :P Sorry if I get on here and bring you down with some of my sad/mad posts... I *seriously* need to start keeping a journal.. instead of just saying it all online :P
Oh, and for those who read this for the sugar updates, I made an apple pie today... it turned out perty good :P Peoples liked it... (at church)...
What Christmas carol are you?

You are 'Deck the Halls'. Optimistic, you enjoy singing and making people smile.
brought to you by Quizilla

Hey... I made a quiz...'nother one..."Which Christmas Carol Are You?" yah, tell me what you turned out to be, and what you thought :) I kinda did it for this project I'm working on, for next Christmas... yes, I'm making *ANOTHER* website... but it should be cool... Christmas stuff.. I'm thinking about calling it the Crazy Igloo..with Zilly the penguin as the mascot... anyhoo, I'll post a link up here when I'm finished :P which will probably be awhile... ;)

Anyways, hope you all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! And I *guess* you can have happy holidays, if you have a merry Christmas. Oh, maybe I should change my quiz to "What holiday carol are you?" and one of the results to... "Oh Holiday Tree"... :P sorry, just had to blog about that... I been itchin'... oh! y'all never did my Christmas challenge!
Or maybe you didn't read that entry... or maybe nobody reads my blog... *wonders if anyone even cares about her blog anymore*
Post ends all-of-a-sudden due to crazy attack monkeys, who are now vandalizing Bethany's room and squirting all toothpaste into trash cans so when Bethany wakes up tomorrow morning, and finds there is no toothpaste, she will go bizerk and raid grocery stores like an insane person. Oh wait, we are insane people.
~Miss Goosey
...the 'we'....

Saturday, December 17, 2005


I got two hours of sleep last night. Wooooooooow... everyone stare at the awesomeness...
Bethany will now become really random. You just might want to hide...
Bethany had pizza, and *6* pixy sticks, and about... 8 mints... and a load of M & M's... yah... so Bethany wasn't wierd at ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL last night... yah... not to mention this morning :P
I am actually semi-not-tired! Weeelll that makes me semi-am-tired too, but oh well, I'm semi-not-tired!
We did lotsa fun stuff...ate pizza... decorated picture frames... watched Sky High and Princess Diaries 2... played nintendo... ate lots and lots of candy...
I think I might explode from the candy and the funness. :D
So yah, did Bethany have any fun? Not a wink. Well, maybe a wink. But no more. ;)
Anyways... today *is* reply to every personal email day, so feel free to send a personal email.. and by personal I only mean that it is sent only to me, not that it says anything personal... :P It's not *THAT* hard... ;)
There was something else I was going to write. But it slipped my mind, probably from the lack of sleep... yah... went to bed at 6 last night. That's just wierd, going to bed at 6... when, on occasion, if I'm in a *REEEEAAALLY* good mood... I get *UP* at 6... so yah.. dat felt wierd... and then getting up at 8...
Oh! I remember what I was going to say! Doesn't that make your day? We already went through this, didn't we...
But yah, got up this morning, and I was in my randomly-confused-and-very-wierd state of mind, only moreso confused than anything... and I got up first of the girls (yay go me :P) and.. woke up to cinnamon rolls.. boy, that felt sooooooo good... just get up and mush sugar around in your mouth, after lack of sleep... yah... lovely...
Oh! Did I mention I had breakfast this morning? :D

Anyways, byes, thanks for reading... ya know I appreciate your moral support :P Luv y'all all, and hope to talk to you soon! Merry {early} Christmas!

~Miss Goosey~
...the tired...

Thursday, December 15, 2005



You will vanish. You got kidnapped, lost, whatever, you vanished. No one knows how you vanished. You're just part of one of those unsolved mysteries.
How will you die?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yep. That's right. I'm gonna vanish... oooooooo.... *dark scary music ensues* teeheehee.. actually I've always thought I'm going to get kidnapped someday. Not on purpose, of course :P
And here's another one:

You are hiding Fear. You're afraid something bad, or good, might happen. Maybe something bad, or good, already happened and you're afraid it will happen again. But, you don't want anyone to know. It might ruin your reputation, or you don't want to push it onto your friends or family. Try to tell someone. That always helps. I know how you feel tho, being afraid something kreepy is gonna pop up without your knowledge. I hate it. Try to overcome it if you can. If you can't, try talking to someone older that has overcome it themselves. I find that very helpful!

What are you hiding?

brought to you by Quizilla

Here's the next one up:

Eyes of Innocence - Your soul posesses Eyes of
Innocence. These eyes are often held by young
children and those who have a tendency to look
at the world sunny side up. You are a rather
serious person, though are capable of having
fun. You are most likely highly religious and
take pride in refusing to join the rest of the
world in what you percieve to be evil deeds.
You have a tendency to ignore that which is
dark in the world and only focus upon that
which is beautiful and good. Though most would
consider this a good philosophy to live by,
someday it will get you into trouble. You
believe in giving everyone a hundred chances
over and trust very easily. You've been taken
advantage of by those who love to prey on the
kind of heart, like yourself, but you have not
let it get you down just yet. You know some
people are bad, but you like to believe that no
soul is completely black, and you believe in
befriending even the most undesirable people.

What Type of Eyes Does Your Soul Have? (girls)(pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

I better stop :P Got history to do... fun stuff, right? And tonight I'm going to a Christmas party thingy...yep, that's right, so I won't be going crazy hyper at art.. but it will be fun...
an' tomorrow I'm goin' to Cara's sleepover!! WHOO!!! It's gonna be so much fun!
So yah, for all you peoples goin' to the Christmas party.. don't think I'll be there. Wanted to...
but Cara's party should be a lot of fun :)
so anyways...
I'm busy, got lotsa stuff comin' up, so I'd better get goin' now. I'm not gonna go crazy and ask for comments, I think you already know they make my day :P Wait, does that count as asking for comments? :P
Send me an email sometime! Saturday is reply-to-every-personal-email-day :D Yah, I'm not hinting at aaaaaaaaanything :P
Thanks for reading... luv y'all all! Buh-bye! Oh, and for those who wish to know... if I'm on tonight *scary mysterious music* it will most likely be at/after 5ish.. don't know when I'll be back from the party... and I'll most likely be In the Visi if I'm able.... yah... read between the lions. :P and of course I'll be able :P 'Nother time I might be on is after 9.. so yah.. not sure...hope to talk to you all soon :)
Until next time, hope I made your day.. hope I made it a Sunday... covered with lots of chocolate syrup and other numminess... and sprinkles :P can't forget sprinkles... and NOT Peeps...maybe marshmallows though :D Wait.. can braces peoples eat marshymallowyness? I know a lot of people who read my blog have braces..
So yah, that's a nice, long goodbye for ya :P Have a nice day.
Thank you, that is all.
~from the associates of Goosey Random Inc.

PS Mike's computer wrote a poem just now! :D Here it is:
Beginning dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete...
Mike turned off the computer before I could read the rest of it...but I think Mike's computer has a future career in poetry!
Mike was pressing keys, and I was reading, and on the screen it said "Stop"... :P It was under the technical... something..yah...anyways, don't you think Mike's computer is very poetic? :D

Monday, December 12, 2005

Yellow :)

My blog color should DEFINITELY be yellow.. yep... I took a different quiz a while back and it said yellow too :P Yep, I'm quizzin' right's the latest :)
And now I'm just trying to fill up space because my quiz thingy doesn't show up and I'll be random and peeps are fun to save and I had wild cherry pepsi this morning and fun fun fun and mike just showed me a watch and bla bla bla... *phew!* glad that's over with... :P I'm sure you are, too :P
Your Blog Should Be Yellow

You're a cheerful, upbeat blogger who tends to make everyone laugh.
You are a great storyteller, and the first to post the latest funny link.
You're also friendly and welcoming to everyone who comments on your blog.
What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?

and YESYESYESYESYES I LOVE COMMENTS!!! Please comment.... *makes Lucy face* Pr'ty Please? :D That was an awesome movie... :D Loved it...
Thanks RachelD for the comment! you're awesome! :D
So here's what I've been up to:
Saw Chronicles of Narnia and had party on Friday.
Saw Chronicles of Narnia and cruised the mall with Cara on Saturday.
Saw Hillbilly Christmas at Chelsea's church and went to church last night.
Walked the mall with Angela and quizzed this morning.
So ya..
Oh! And I wrote a poem on Friday. It was about butterflies.. and I kinda made it into a goes like this :) (if I can remember:P)
Flutter by, butterfly-y
Please come and say hello to me
Flutter by, butterfly
Entice me to the trance of harmony...

Let me gaze upon your wings
Your flight alone, to me it sings!
As you glide along the gentle breeze...

Flutter by, butterfly-y
As I gaze in awe and wonder
Flutter by, butterfly
My awe your loot and gaze your plunder
Flutter by, butterfly.

:)(: Anyways... tell me what you think...
And The Fiction Times is coming~ I'm just waiting for something from Rachel, and I have to put a few more things in it... then I can convert it to PDF and send it out :)
Comment, please! My comment box is there for you. Always. My comment box will never let you down! (and if it does, let me know, and I'll hit it with a bananer. :D)
So anyways, I gotta get to school... break next week! Yahoo! TTYL guys and girls and peoples :)
Thankles for reading :) You make my day...
Hope I make yours too :)
~da Goose

PS I took another candy quiz, and it said I was Reeses.... hmmm...

Reeses Peanut Butter Cups

Very popular, one of you is not enough.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

For Sake of Randomness.


Just a little randomness. You know it's true. Saving peeps is fun...
I wanna tell you about yesterday. Mostly about my cat. Hee. Heehee. Hee.
I was doing yoga with Meowser yesterday... well, I wasn't doing the yoga, but I was 'helping' him with it. :P
Um..oh! I finished my pajamas (that I was sewing) yesterday! The pants have this really cute trim- which I love, because it's fuzzy, furry, AND colorful! The theme for my pajamas is sleeping kitties. Yes, my pajamas have a theme. Maybe I should name them. "Purrrrrful dreams..." Yep. I'm sure if my cat had 'purrrful dreams' they'd have a few things in them: canned kitty food, sleeping, catnip... yep. And no Tae Kwon Do (sp?) either. Teheheehe... I'm a bad human. :P Bad llama! Bad!!
So about today. :P I've gotten lots and lots done! I'm so excited! I might finish most of my school for the week by tomorrow!
AND it might snow this week! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!
My contact attacked me today. It's attacking me right now. It sporadically attacks me... so wierd... DIE CONTACT!!! Wait, then I'd be practically blind... well that might not be that great. I guess I'll live. :D
BSF actually went.. well! :D Ya gotta know if I say that, somebody actually talked to me. :P People don't talk to me at BSF... it's really wierd... like there's some strange force field around me or something... "AHH!! IT'S BETHANY!! RUN AWAY AND DON'T LOOK BACK!! AND DON'T BE LIKE LOT'S WIFE!!! YOU DON'T WANT TO BE A PILLAR OF SALT!! TRUST ME!!" tehehehehe... yah we learned about that tonight... Abram, Lot, and Lot's wife. And lots more. Fun stuff...
But yah, as I was saying... tonight was different! I actually had a conversation! Somebody was brave enough to penetrate the force field! YAYAYAY!!! Indeed, it was Ryan. Yup. Maybe I can make at least one friend...
So anyways... leave a comment! Anything random, or crazy...
If it makes your day, leave 100 comments. Or you could count to 58, if it makes you happy. OR tell about how your grandma made cookies one day. How good those cookies were. Too bad my grandma doesn't bake me cookies.
OR you could even tell about what happened today. Did you stick a candy cane up your nose? We sure hope so.
(am I getting to be a skitz? -sp?- hehee...)
On behalf of Crazy Goose Inc. I'd like to thank all of you for coming today. I hope you enjoyed the presentation. Merry Christmas! Don't hug your lawyer! It could turn out deadly!
~Miss Goosey~
Who is amazingly feeling very good. *GASP* Wow... this is new...:P

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Quizzy time!
Monday Meme 28 : 2005-11-28 : Make it Count 3

1. Name the 1 song that makes you think of December the most:

Nutcracker Suite

2. List the last 2 hot beverages you drink:

Hot Cocoa

Apple Cider

3. List 3 things you hope to accomplish before the end of the year:

Getting The Fiction Times out! (IT'S COMING!!!)

Buying all my Christmas gifts

Keeping up with school :P

4. List 4 people you have to buy holiday gifts for:




My cuz' Tiffany

(well most of those I don't have yet because they're always around :P)

5. List 5 things that are on your holiday wishlist:


Yellow sleeping bag

Music Inspired by Narnia cd!!!

Prayer Box (necklace)

Initial pendant

(really random, I know)

I was the 516th person to take this week's Monday Meme!

My Narnia Post.

Bethany Word of the Entry: Bubbles
Definition: Buh-bye! Toodles!

5 Tablespoons corn starch
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 cup hot water
2 cup sugar
1/2 cup orange juice
1 teaspoon rosewater (or lemon juice)
2 cup pistacios (or other nuts, if you like)
a bag of powdered sugar

mix corn starch with cold water
set aside

bring hot water, sugar, and OJ to a boil
add corn starch
simmer for 15 minutes

remove from heat, add lemon juice and flavoring (whatever you choose)

stir in nuts
pour into buttered pan

when cooled and thickened (be patient!) cut into 1 inch cubes with
knife dipped in hot water

roll in powdered sugar.

Go to! It's really cool! I actually got the turkish delight off another site... but.. anyways...
5 days 9hrs 46 minutes 6 sec until the movie comes out! Wanted to get a counter, but you have to upload stuff to your site, and I don't know if or how you can do that for Blogger. Anyways...better go! Bubbles!
~Miss Gooosey~

discover what candy you are @ quiz me

Thursday, December 01, 2005

December 1st...

December! It's here! Christmas is near! It rhymes! ;P
Found a great quote today, here's the website:
and here's the quote: There has been only one Christmas - the rest are anniversaries. ~W.J. Cameron
Was looking for something to put on the inside of our Christmas cards... which, as usual, I painted... I'll have to post a pic once we get 'em done! :)
Mom's at Kinkos done getting them made, and tomorrow we have to take the painting to turn it into the Stock show contest thingy... it's doubly useful :P I put snow in it ;)
So ya gotta guess there's a horse in it. I think it turned out perty cute ;)
So yah.. that's what I'm up to.. got school...
Give your compy a hug today! I told my compy Merry Christmas a little early, while patting it on the back. :P I think I want to get one of those minicandy canes to give to it... wait! Wow! What an abomination!
I haven't named my compy!
I need help, figuring out a name. Candy-puter? Gooberface? Lord Vader? Charlie Brown?
And my compy is a male compy. :P It's black, that's how I can tell. And for some reason it gets sick a lot.. don't know if that's any gender indication, though ;) It caught a virus the other day... but Nanny Norton gave it some Nyquil and it's all better now :)
This is my Christmasy post. A little early. I know. For randomness: If you're reading this, post a comment with as many ways you can think to say Merry Christmas, or the like.
A few examples:
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Happy Kwanzaa
Feliz Navidad
Gimme candy canes now.

:D And you can use the above examples. New Years doesn't count, but it can have something about New Years in it if you want. (hint! hint!)
~Miss Goosey~
who wonders if peoples even read her blog...

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want--good or bad--BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON'T ACTUALLY remember about you.